Africa has the highest fertility and projected population growth of any region in the world. Geographically, it includes the areas of Northern Africa and the sub-Saharan Africa subregions of Eastern Africa, Middle Africa, Southern Africa, and Western Africa.
Fertility is declining in many African countries, yet the region’s total fertility rate remains high at 4.1, ranging from 2.5 in Southern Africa to 5.5 in Middle Africa. Its population is projected to grow from 1.5 billion in 2024 to 2.4 billion in 2050, accounting for over 60% of projected global population growth during the same period. As fertility declines from high to low levels, the share of the young dependent population will decline relative to those in the working ages. With a higher proportion of wage earners and fewer dependents to support, countries can enter a window of opportunity for sustained economic growth—or a demographic dividend.
In millions
Lifetime births per woman
Age distribution by sub-region
Percent change in population
In millions
Lifetime births per woman
Age distribution by sub-region
Percent change in population
In millions
Lifetime births per woman
Age distribution by sub-region
Percent change in population
In millions
Lifetime births per woman
Age distribution by sub-region
Percent change in population
In millions
Lifetime births per woman
Age distribution by sub-region
Percent change in population
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